Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Test 5th grade Review/practice #3

Use these words below to fill in the blanks in the dialog.

flying    going     everywhere  can      one    saving   cool   will   expensive   so


Dad- Listen to this.Somebody invented a ____________ suit.
_________ you believe that?

Ellie- Yeah! I’ ve heard all about it. I want  ______!

Dad- Start _________ your money. This one costs $150,000.

Ellie- Wow! That is really ______________.
          But it ____________ not be expensive in the future. Someday everybody ________ have one.

Dad- You are ___________ right.

Ellie- We’ll simply put on flying suits and fly ____________________ we want.
         No more airplanes or airports!

Dad- ok. No more dreams…jeje, you are _______ to ride the school bus today.


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