Friday, February 17, 2017

4th grade study guide

4th grade test
Feb.23 Conversational English
Unit 6. Life long ago and Unit 7: Special Days
1.Unscramble the words. Inventions around us.
Light bulb, washing machine, bicycle, laptop,stove, airplane, television
2.Vocabulary matching with definitions
antique, memories, tradition, greeting, anniversary
3.Must know the opposite word of:

to reduce- to increase.           
   painful- painless
to connect- to disconnect.       
dangerous- safe
difficult -easy.                             
powerful- powerless

4.Use of did and didn't in question/ answer patterns.
See practice Handouts in notebook.
5.Recognition of things that didn't exist long time ago.
6. An incomplete dialog to fill in the blanks. A Word Box will be given. See
Handouts in notebook.

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