Monday, January 30, 2017

Show and Tell 4th grade

Deadline: Feb.14 to 16
Theme: Loving old times

Fourth graders will interview a person ranging from 80 to 100 years about how was life long time ago.They will follow the guide questions below. Then, they will keep a written record of the Conversational experience to report in class. A photo of both might be included. Use English-speaking all the time.
1.Name, age, gender, citizenship
2. What responsibilities did you have at home when you were young?
3. How did your family earn money?
4. What inventions from the past do you remember?
5. What's different about growing up today from when you were growing up?
6. When you were a child, what did you do for fun?
7. What big World events do you remember from the time you were growing up?
8. Do you think that modern times are nicer than old times? Yes/ No. Why?

40 points. See rubric in this blog.

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